What Are the Top 5 Supplements Everyone Should Take?

Did you know that the global dietary supplement market has an estimated value of $163.9 billion this 2022? By 2030, experts project its revenue to grow to a whopping $327.4 billion.

One reason behind that growth is the increased awareness about nutritional insufficiencies. That’s especially true for micronutrient deficiencies, affecting up to 2 billion people worldwide.

Fortunately, supplementation may help fill in those inadequacies.

To that end, we created this guide on the top 5 supplements everyone should take. Read on to discover what they are and the health roles they play.

1. Vitamin Supplements

Essential vitamins have numerous roles in cellular growth and mitosis. Some also have involvement in energy processing and reproduction. Others help the body absorb and utilize different nutrients more effectively.

There are 13 essential vitamins the body needs yet cannot synthesize on its own. These include A, B-complex (eight in total), C, D, E, and K vitamins. Multivitamin supplements often contain all 13, but some are only for specific vitamins.

Either way, determine if you have a specific inadequacy before choosing supplements. In the U.S., the most common are deficiencies in vitamins A, B-9, D, C, and E. Your doctor can test you for any insufficiencies.

You can then order supplements and take them based on your doctor’s findings and advice.

2. Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in energy production and bone health. It also helps regulate muscle and nerve functions. In addition, it’s crucial to DNA, protein, and bone generation.

Unfortunately, as many as half of Americans are magnesium deficient. One reason is that their diets lack this essential mineral. If you’re in the same boat, then the best supplements for you are those that contain this nutrient.

3. Calcium Supplements

Calcium is necessary for bone production, development, and repair. However, to absorb this nutrient, the body must use vitamin D, which many folks also lack. For the same reason, many people in the U.S. also have calcium deficiencies.

So, before your bones, teeth, and nails suffer, consider buying supplements with calcium.

4. Iron Supplements

Iron is an integral component of red blood cells (RBCs), which, in turn, carry hemoglobin. On the other hand, hemoglobin is the blood’s primary oxygen carrier. Thus, without enough iron, the body can’t produce enough RBCs, leading to issues like anemia.

Red meats and organ meats are some of the richest sources of iron. So if these aren’t part of your diet, it may be time to take iron supplements.

5. Zinc Supplements

Zinc is an essential nutrient with many roles in metabolism and gene expression. People at risk of zinc deficiency are those with malnutrition and malabsorption issues. Those with alcohol disorders and inflammatory bowel disease may also be at risk.

The thing is, animal meats, fish, and seafood are the richest sources of zinc. However, not everyone eats them, so if neither do you, ask your doctor if it’s okay for you to take zinc supplements.

Those Are the Top 5 Supplements Everyone Should Take

And there you have it, your guide on the top 5 supplements everyone should take. Now you know they include vitamin, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc supplements. You also learned your body needs them in adequate amounts to function properly.

However, before taking dietary supplements, talk to your doctor first. That can help ensure you won’t over-supplement, which can also be harmful.

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