3 Golden Rules for Professional Website Design in 2022

There are a number of factors that affect whether a website is well designed or not. However, there are certain cornerstones that are coming, in 2022, are almost “mandatory” if we want an audience for our website design Dubai. So let’s see the golden rules of creating a professional website – and let me be clear: let’s look at the 3 of them that I consider to be the most important in 2022.

The three wishes are therefore as follows:

  1. Be mobile friendly!
  2. Be transparent!
  3. Love Google!

1. Be mobile friendly!

Have you ever heard the phrase “ mobile first ”? I started listening about this term more seriously in the beginning of 2021, it was obviously “hanging in the air” before, but this year they are already taken more seriously from an SEO point of view. But let’s not jump the gun.

What does “mobile first” mean?

This is essentially an approach that is implemented in practice, for example, when creating a Website Design Dubai, the mobile view is created first and then expanded to be displayed on additional screens (tablet, laptop, wider monitors).

What exactly it means to have a responsive website design?

When you hear that a website is responsive, all you have to do is look at it from any device (mobile, PC, tablet), information about each is available in a way that you can still conveniently browse the web pages , find everything – in other words, fully adjust to the screen.

Okay, but what does that really mean? How It Works?

I can’t comment on the way website designing companies in Dubai are working, but what has certainly changed in our web design agency Dubai over the last six months is that we take the mobile look and feel even more rigorously during designing and development phase.

2. Be transparent!

As I explained in an earlier article , you only have a few seconds to convince the reader to stay on your website. Awesome little isn’t it?

So what does it mean to have a transparent website design Dubai?

  • Already in the first part of the home page, it becomes clear what you do, what you sell, what services your business provides.
  • The menu structure is clear, understandable and eloquent.
  • Contact information is easily available in several places (eg footer, there may be a separate subpage).
  • The main page contains only the most important information, but in the meantime they offer an insight and a link to further the topics that are still available on the website. The honeycomb is pulled out of it…
  • … And remember, less is sometimes more.

3. Love Google!

Or live with pure competition and SEO!

Once your website is ready (and your SEO agency Dubai cares a little about it… because nothing happens by itself), it will appear in a particular Google search.

Take an example, we love it anyway.

We have worked with a company, where they bake and sell donuts. They are present in Dubai with the fancy name “Eat and puff”.

There potential customers are hungry, looking to eat something. If they Type “Eat and puff” into Google, theywill find it, and in a few minutes,they will be stumbling on theirphysical store.

But what happens if you just type “donut”?

There are two options:

  1. There ecommerce development in Dubai is not search engine optimized and the hungry customer will click on one of the top 5 links offered by Google and shop there. Most likely not with Eat & Puff.
  • There website has been search engine optimized, and in addition to fulfilling many aspects, “donut” appears as a keyword in several places in the content of the website, and its longer versions (e.g. donuts for the hungry) and their synonyms. In this case, Eat & Puff can compete for the top X in Google and they have a chance to be found by anyone who hasn’t specifically searched for them on Google.

So what’s the secret to creating a professional website Design Dubai?

It’s not an easy task, there are a lot of ingredients, but if you stick to these three, you’ve already done a lot in creating a professional website!

If you run out of 3 wishes, feel free to contact web designing companies in Dubai,

There are many more options and spells you can smuggle into your web development company UAE to make it completely unique.

Thank you for reading! I trust that you have found useful information in it and that you are already checking your website from mobile ���

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